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Madrid hoteliers expect to reach a 60% occupancy this summer

Occupancy in hotels in the Community of Madrid during the summer months could reach 60% on average, according to the Hotel Business Association of Madrid (AEHM).

Thus, the bookings for the month of July are above those registered by the sector in August, with 68% compared to 55% respectively; Figures that are in line with those reached in the summer of 2016 when the occupation stood at 67.9% and 57.6%.

The secretary general of the AEHM, Mar de Miguel has indicated that Madrid is a medium-high season destination during ten months of the year, but that it registers the lowest percentages of occupancy in July and August. “Tourists, especially nationals, continue to choose sun and beach destinations to spend the summer, although we are witnessing a change of trend in the case of international travelers.”

Travelers from other countries that visit Madrid are motivated by the wide cultural and leisure offer they find in the capital and they continue to opt to stay, especially in hotel establishments motivated by their good value for money, as well as by the Guarantee and the security they offer to their customers.

“The hotels of the Community of Madrid have made strong investments in order to offer a quality service and adapted to the new needs of tourists. This commitment to excellence is having very positive results, as more and more international visitors arrive in the region, “added the secretary general of the AEHM.

Regarding the provenance, the majority of these tourists travel from the United States and other European countries, among which the United Kingdom, Italy, France or Germany stand out. “The US or British market is strategic for the tourism industry in general and for the hotelier in particular. In addition, they are quality tourists, who really contribute to the economic growth of the Community of Madrid, and that is what we should aim for, “concluded Miguel de Mar.