La Asociación Empresarial Hotelera de Madrid (AEHM) presentan la Madrid Hotel Week

Madrid hotels will become showrooms and gastronomic spaces in the I Madrid Hotel Week

The Corporate Association for Hotels in Madrid  (AEHM) presented this Thursday the ‘Madrid Hotel Week’, a pioneering event in the sector, which will take place next November in Madrid capital and Community and seeks to break with the general concept and image traditional of hotels through various avant-garde and experiential activities.



For ten days, and on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the AEHM, the hotels in the region will become the main protagonists and will open their doors to citizens and visitors, who will offer a complete program of activities aimed at all audiences and professionals of the sector. Taking as a starting point the hotel as an “establishment that welcomes”, this program is being developed that “will help to position Madrid hotels as generators of experiences and contents, becoming a neuralgic point for the national and international visitor and the citizen” , the association said in a statement.

The “Madrid Hotel Week” will feature among its activities with prestigious chefs in some of the hotels restaurants, exhibitions, themed routes, live music, meetings with professionals in design and architecture, experiences in wellness spaces, workshops for children … a large number of initiatives aimed not only at the public but also at professionals in the sector.

These activities will be developed around architecture, gastronomy, health, design, technology, art, music, sports, literature, scene and shopping and will take place in more than 25 hotels in Madrid, from Friday 3 November to Sunday 12.

“We want to put in value the contribution of our establishments to society. For this reason, we invite all those who want to live a real experience to break with that invisible barrier that seems to still exist and immerse themselves without fear in the hotel experience “they say from the AEHM.

The program of the ‘Madrid Hotel Week’ will be structured around two axes: the hotel as a professional space, and the hotel as a play area. In addition, it will have an offer of activities aimed exclusively at the smallest. Likewise, all actions carried out under the umbrella of this initiative organized by the AEHM will have as a transversal axis the commitment to the citizens and to the city itself, by promoting solidarity, healthy living, access to culture for all and respect to the environment, among other values ​​related to corporate social responsibility.

The AEHM will have the support and collaboration of public and private institutions, such as the Thyssen Museum, which have seen in Madrid Hotel Week an opportunity to offer Madrid residents and tourists the chance to experience new experiences and to know the city , like the Community of Madrid, from a different perspective.